22-25 March
Annie Brook

Dynamic Well Being

From Self to Other to World…

We are rich with energy, surprise, and discovery. Discover how to find embodied support to stay relational under the pressures of life and orient to well being. 

Skills are practical, sensate, cognitive, and movement based; very useful in day-to day-life. 

I bring over 4 decades of clinical research, personally and professionally, to share with you the discoveries that help you find balance and harmony inside and out. This is also an excellent training if your work is helping others, or you are parenting children.  

Find the Roots of your BodyMind Intelligence

Explore the roots of bodymind intelligence; your playful integrated well-rounded resourcing intelligence, and learn the how and why for resolving struggles. Gain new movement structural support for play, sharing, touch, and negotiating difficulties. 

My decades in BodyMind Centering, facilitating courses, writing somatic books, and sharing skills allow me to share a rich foundation smorgasbord with you. You will gain insights, possibilities, and enjoyment by knowing yourself more deeply. So excited to share it with you! 

  • Understand the dialog between touch, dissociation, and presence.
  • Discover how to interrupt those habits that are unconscious and get you in trouble in your world.
  • Learn through movement, finding support and resources of our body systems for resiliency and enjoyment.
  • Wander along in our exploration with guidance, insight, and shared dialog for inner depth and well being.
  • Learn specific hands on tools, and movement tools to bring Satisfaction in life

The workshop is open to participants of all levels and will be of particular interest to psychologists, educators, therapists, and parents, as well as anyone in or about to enter into a relationship. 

Cost of Somatic Workshop: 

$550 if prepaid by December 30, 2024 
$600 if prepaid by January 30, 2025 
$650 if paid after January 30, 2025
Prepayment is 150$.

Please, fill out this form for registration.